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Good afternoon everyone! How are you?

Well I’ve been living up here for about a week now and it’s been a little difficult adjusting. It was a bit of an emotional and mental road bump last weekend — I not only secured my apartment, electric and internet in one day, but there was next to nothing in my apartment until Sunday. After that it started to feel like a home; minus the fact that I couldn’t actually get my internet connected. I was reduced to listening to very limited things on my phone.

But I think I’ve been doing fairly well this past week: I went grocery shopping; I haven’t been eating out as much as I could be; I’ve been working on keeping my stress levels down. I had a bit of a problem in college where I would eat rather unhealthy foods when I was stressed out. However, there are rather healthy foods now in the fridge and cupboard and I’ve started meditating at night before I go to bed.
I actually did something kinds of cute — it was the second day I went into work — where after work I went to the town’s trading post and bought two postcards for a few of my best friends back home. I knew it was a bit premature but I thought it was cute and I know for a fact that I was right. I also baked blueberry scones for the fun of it last night and they are very yummy.

Anyway, I find myself delighting in a lot of small things. I love making my own coffee, going to sleep in my king-sized nest-of-a-bed, cooking my own breakfast and having free time in the evenings. I actually cant believe that after I clock out of work, I don’t have to do anything else for the day. The evening is mine to do with as I want. Thus, I’ve been cooking dinner, doing some free writing, meditating, talking to my friends. As I get more comfortable my plan is to scope out the town a bit more so I can find all the fun places to eat, drink and be.
Maybe I’ll go for a walk in the city’s major park(s), check out the mall, see where to get a good drink and meal, go for a swim at the rec center. . . I may have guests over, after all, and I want to be a proper host.

It’s interesting; in college I know I spent a good amount of time looking ahead, looking at the whole week. Recently however I find myself taking life one day at a time. Whether that’s good or bad, I don’t know, but it does work for me personally for the time being — it keeps me from worrying an extreme amount about the future, it keeps me focused on living in the moment, it makes everything in my life seem smaller and less scary or intimidating. I have my entire life left to live; no need to live it all in one day.

Well, I think that’s all for today. I do miss lazily drinking coffee in the morning and having my daily French lesson before actually getting ready for the day — but it still tastes good from a travel mug and I can still learn French after work.

Talk to you all later.