Oh my god everyone. . . I am quite literally living in a blur.
If you may know from my last post, this past weekend a great friend of mine came to visit — but before I got there, I had to get through another week of the night shift. Now here’s the thing — I know part of it as to do with the excitement — I cant remember last week to save my life. Working the night shift was honestly the same, and it has been the same since.

Sure the first bit of Nebraska winter weather is coming and I will learn how to report on it for the morning show; we’ll be getting a new coworker at the end of the month and she may take over the morning show (which I have mixed feelings about; I’ve grown to like the night shift and I like producing and anchoring and I kinda don’t want to leave it, but that’s another story); I’ve finally gotten over to the North Platte Animal Shelter and fawned appropriately over the smol kittens (see below). . .

Yet all I know is how this weekend went.

I got off work Friday morning and ran home to wash my bedding; did so and cleaned up my apartment a bit before picking my friend up at the airport. I did and I glomped him so hard — I hugged him so hard — I can’t even describe to you how nice it was to see his face after two months. . .
But we spent the weekend watching The Twilight Zone on Netflix while lying on my couch, messing around with each other, cooking together; I showed him my work and Cody Park, Bailey Yard, The Bricks and Fort Cody Trading Post. It was amazing and I wish I could relive it all over again.
That’s not to say there weren’t problems — he actually missed his Sunday morning flight and we spent that morning chugging coffee and figuring out how to get him back home — but we did have an extra day to hang out and it was honestly amazing. Fuck. . . I miss that guy so much even if it has only been a few days.

But that’s just it — that’s all I can bring myself to remember. I really just lived in the moment this weekend. I’m glad I went grocery shopping before — we make seared steak and fried rice, a dill cream cheese plate and breakfast — and I even guessed on what beer to buy him and guessed correctly. We sat on the deck and sipped coffee, I showed him a bit around town and it was just. . . .I wish I could live it all over again. It’s fun to host guests in my own household, especially if they’re good friends of mine. God I miss that guy’s face. . .

But honestly that’s all I can help you with. Work has been fine — working the night, sleeping on the day — and like I said I’ll get a taste of Nebraska winter here pretty soon. But that’s all I can recall. Honestly I didn’t even remember to post on my professional social media about my friend’s visit. The rest has been overshadowed by my awesome weekend. Though keep an eye out for the next Netflix & Swill episode later today.

I’m sorry. . .but I’m also not. #SorryNotSorry